Drama Club
WHAT IS DRAMA CLUB? Norton Middle School students that are interested in different aspects of Drama!
WHAT IS DRAMA CLUB? Norton Middle School students that are interested in different aspects of Drama!
WHEN: Drama Club gets together on Wednesdays after school, from 4-5PM.
WHEN: Drama Club gets together on Wednesdays after school, from 4-5PM.
WHERE: In the Multipurpose Room (2209) or the Cafeteria at Norton Middle School.
WHERE: In the Multipurpose Room (2209) or the Cafeteria at Norton Middle School.
WHY: Because it's FUN, FUN, FUN...and a good way to meet and get involved with others.
WHY: Because it's FUN, FUN, FUN...and a good way to meet and get involved with others.
HOW: Listen for the morning announcements and simply show up at the meetings!
HOW: Listen for the morning announcements and simply show up at the meetings!
QUESTIONS: Please reach out to Ms. Hobzek or Mrs. Fetch.